TC-URS-2M For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
TSH-120-NC For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
TSH-120-PC For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256075 Veritor Laboratory Flu Kits For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256076 Veritor CLIA-Waived Flu Kits For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256070 Hospital Combo Reader Pack Includes: (1) Veritor Reader (#256055) For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256071 Physician Lab Combo Reader Pack Includes: (1) Veritor Reader (#256055) For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256031 Group A Strep Test For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256038 RSV Test Kit For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.
256040 Strep A Test Kit For inquiries about medical supplies and hard-to-find medical imaging parts we can supply brand new quality spares in the most common brands in the industry as Drager, Medtronic, GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Kodak, Hitachi among many others, covering all the modalities of systems for medical imaging diagnostic.