System: PHILIPS 452210417661 3 Fan, Fan Assembly

System: LIEBELFLARSHEIM 400813 Posttransducer Amp

System: MAGNECRAFT 46217480P1 Relay

System: GE 46264472G1 LFX-KV

Acuson Sequoia Ultrasound Color Doppler, With Cardiac/Vascular/Stress, HARMONICS, Software 6.x, Cine, M-Mode, ECG. Transducers: Adult Cardiac 3V2C, Vascular Linear 6L3, 1.9 CW, Stress Echo, Sony VCR SVO9500, Sony-895 Printer.

THYMOL W01010227

System: GE 45561167 Power supply

3064136 BRAKECHOPPER 90W 4A para sistema SIEMENS Sensation 4 CT Scanner Parts

System: GE Cath Angio Lab 66154 Rubber Bumper for Spring

7573483 Cushion 1 RF Amplifier Passive para sistema SIEMENS Magnetom Avanto MRI Scanner Parts

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