Computed Tomography brand-new and refurbished parts
Meditegic® offers new CT parts, used parts with the best competitive prices and fully functional refurbished parts for the latest PET/CT technologies. Also, we have access to parts discontinued by the manufacturer and to older models.
- CT parts for the most used systems
- Used and refurbished parts extensively tested
- Complete units and location services
- Competitive price worldwide
- Access to +500 suppliers
- Global supply reach (Fast shipping service +28 countries)
We have an extensive supply of CT parts and we are specialized in systems such as GE, Philips, Siemens and Toshiba, among others. If you need a HARD-TO-GET PART please contact us!
CT parts brand-new, used and refurbished for the most requested systems:
- Philips CT
- Siemens CT
- Toshiba CT
- Hitachi CT
- Shimadzu CT
- Elscint CT
- Fischer CT
- CT Injectors
- CT Tubes
Download our CT/PET Brochures & Service Manuals
Please verify our models and call us to assure we have the part that you may need:
GE CT Parts
- GE 1800i CT
- GE 64 CT
- GE 9000 CT
- GE Advantage Z CT
- GE Brightspeed 16 CT
- GE BrightSpeed CT
- GE Brightspeed Elite CT
- GE BrightSpeed Excel 4 Slice CT
- GE Brightspeed Ultra CT
- GE CT/e CT
- GE CT/i CT
- GE CT/I or QX/i CT
- GE Discovery ST CT
- GE DX/i CT
- GE E-Speed CT
- GE FX/i CT
- GE Goldseal HiSpeed NX/i Pro CT
- GE Goldseal LightSpeed CT
- GE Highlight CT
- GE HiLight CT
- GE Hispeed Advantage CT
- GE LightSpeed VCT CT
- GE HiSpeed CT
- GE HiSpeed CT/e CT
- GE HiSpeed CT/i CT
- GE HiSpeed Cte CT
- GE HiSpeed Cti CT
- GE HiSpeed DX/i CT
- GE HiSpeed FX/i CT
- GE HiSpeed Fxi CT
- GE HiSpeed Lxi CT
- GE HiSpeed MX/i CT
- GE HiSpeed NX/i CT
- GE HiSpeed Nxi CT
- GE HiSpeed RP CT
- GE Legacy CT
- GE Legato CT
- GE Lightspeed 16 CT
- GE LightSpeed 16 Slice CT
- GE LightSpeed CT
- GE Lightspeed LS Plus 4 CT
- GE LightSpeed Pro 100 CT
- GE LX/i CT
- GE NX/i CT
- GE Optima CT
- GE Pace CT
- GE Prospeed CT
- GE Prospeed SX CT
- GE QX/i CT
- GE Somatom AR CT
- GE Somatom Balance CT
- GE Sun Genesis Computer CT
- GE Sytec CTGE Tomoscan CX CT
- GE Ultra 8 CT
- GE VCT 64 CT
Philips CT Parts
- Philips AcQsim CT
- Philips Aura CT
- Philips Aveu CT
- Philips Big Bore CT
- Philips Brillance CT
- Philips Brilliance 64 CT
- Philips Brilliance Big Bore CT
- Philips Brilliance CT
- Philips LX CT
- Philips Marconi CT
- Philips MX 16 Slice CT
- Philips MX 4000 CT
- Philips MX 6000 CT
- Philips MX 8000 CT
- Philips MX 8000 Duo CT
- Philips MX 8000 IDT 16 CT
- Philips MX 8000 Quad CT
- Philips MX8000 CT
- Philips MX8000 Dual CT
- Philips MX8000 Dual Slice CT
- Philips MX8000 Duo CT
- Philips MX8000 Quad CT
- Philips Plus 4 CT
- Philips PQ 2000 CT
- Philips PQ 6000 CT
- Philips PQ CT
- Philips Precision CT
- Philips Secura CT
- Philips SR CT
- Philips Tomoscan 60 CT
- Philips Tomoscan AVE CT
- Philips Tomoscan AVEP CT
- Philips Tomoscan AVP CT
- Philips Tomoscan CT
- Philips Tomoscan SR4000 CT
- Philips Ultra Z CT
Siemens CT Parts
- Siemens Angiostar CT
- Siemens AR Star CT
- Siemens Balance CT
- Siemens Biograph Classic (Duo) CT
- Siemens Biograph Classic Duo CT
- Siemens Biograph LSO Classic Duo CT
- Siemens CT
- Siemens Definition CT
- Siemens Definition Dual Source CT
- Siemens Emotion CT
- Siemens Emotion Duo CT
- Siemens Esprit CT
- Siemens MX 8000 CT
- Siemens Plus 4 CT
- Siemens S CT
- Siemens Sensation 10 CT
- Siemens Sensation CT
- Siemens Sensation Duo CT
- Siemens Somatom CT
- Siemens Somatom Definition CT
- Siemens Somatom Definition Dual Source CT
- Siemens Somatom Emotion 6 CT
- Siemens Somatom Emotion CT
- Siemens Somatom Plus 4 CT
- Siemens Somatom Plus 4 Expert CT
- Siemens Somatom Plus CT
- Siemens Somatom Sensation Cardiac CT
- Siemens Somatom Single CT
- Siemens Somatom Smile CT
- Siemens Somatom Spirit CT
- Siemens Somotom CT
- Siemens Volume Access CT
- Siemens Volume Zoom CT
Toshiba CT Parts
- Toshiba Activion CT
- Toshiba Aquilion 16 CT
- Toshiba Aquilion 64 CT
- Toshiba Aquilion CT
- Toshiba Aquillion 64 CT
- Toshiba Aquillion CT
- Toshiba Aqullion 16 CT
- Toshiba Asteion CT
- Toshiba Asteion KG CT
- Toshiba Auklet CT
- Toshiba Xpress CT
- Toshiba Xvision CT
CT Tubes, CT Injectors & other CT Systems Parts
- GE CT Tubes
- Philips CT Tubes
- Siemens CT Tubes
- Toshiba CT Tubes
- Liebel-Flarsheim CT
- Medrad CT
- Shimadzu 3000 CT
- Shimadzu 7800 CT
- Picker AcQsim CT
- Elscint MX Twin CT
- Picker CT CT
- Picker Explorer CT
- Picker I.Q. CT
- Picker Marconi CT
- Picker MX 8000 CT
- Picker MX Twin CT
- Picker Plus 4 CT
- Picker PQ 2000 CT
- Picker PQ 5000 CT
- Picker PQ CT
- Picker PQ2000 CT
- Picker PQ5000 CT
- Picker PQ6000 CT
- Picker Ultra Z CT
- Hitachi CXR4 CT
- Hitachi Eclos 4 Slice CT
- Hitachi Pronto CT
- Fischer CT
CT parts for GE, Philips, Siemens and Toshiba systems.
- Find new, used and refurbished CT parts
- Mobile CT
- CT of 128+ Slices
- CT of 1-4 Slices
- CT of 6-10 Slices
- CT of 16-64 Slices
- International shipping
- Competitive prices worldwide
- Maintenance service
New PET parts, used and refurbished
Our proximity to CT scanning systems allows us to work with new PET parts, used parts with competitive prices and fully functional refurbished parts.
- PET parts for the most requested systems
- Each part for your PET scanner is thoroughly tested
- Access to discontinued parts by the supplier and also for older models
- We can offer any of the models announced on this site
- Competitive price worldwide
- Access to +500 suppliers
- Global supply reach (Fast shipping service +28 countries)
We have an extensive supply of PET parts for GE, Philips, Siemens and Hitachi among many other systems. If you need a HARD-TO-GET PART please contact us!
PET parts brand-new, used and refurbished for the most requested systems:
- Adac PET
- Hitachi PET
- Picker PET
Please verify our models and call us to assure we have the part that you may need:
GE PET Parts
- GE Advance NX/i PET
- GE Advance PET
- GE Discovery PET
Philips PET Parts
- Philips PET
- Philips Allegro PET
Adac PET Parts
- Adac PET
- Adac C-Pet PET
- Adac Vertex PET
Siemens PET Parts
- Siemens Exact 47 PET
Hitachi PET Parts
- Hitachi PET
- Hitachi PET Sceptre PET
Picker PET Parts
- Picker PET